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PRP-therapy of diseases of the musculoskeletal system

PRP therapy is a modern method of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is designed to enhance regenerative processes, eliminate pain, and improve joint function.

What is PRP Therapy (Platelet Rich Plasma)?

The introduction of platelet-enriched blood plasma to start the regeneration and recovery process without the use of synthetic drugs, but through the use of its own collagen-forming cells.

Platelets contain a large number of growth factors and biologically active substances that influence the inflammation process and are actively involved in tissue regeneration.

Indications for PRP therapy

Intra-articular administration of platelet-rich plasma helps with diseases such as:

  • osteoarthritis
  • defects of cartilage tissue
  • enthesopathy
  • tendinitis
  • degenerative lesions of periarticular structures
  • recovery after surgical interventions

PRP therapy procedure

The procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Venous blood is taken from the patient.
  2. Plasma enriched with platelets is released from the patient's blood in a centrifuge.
  3. Plasma enriched with platelets is injected into problem areas.

Each procedure lasts about 30 minutes. Plasma therapy is carried out in a course of 2 to 5 procedures. The interval between procedures is from one to two weeks.

The therapy program is compiled individually for each patient.

Is the method safe?

PRP therapy is one of the safest methods of injection therapy.

  • Full biocompatibility: platelet-rich plasma is taken from the patient's own blood. No chemicals are added.
  • No risk of transmission of infection.
  • Does not cause allergies.
  • Does not require daily and long-term use.
  • It has a prolonged effect.
  • Does not adversely affect the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Minimal risk of local infectious process.
  •  Low cost of treatment.

The effect of the PRP-therapy procedure

  • Reduction of pain syndrome
  • Removal of inflammation
  • Improves the quality of synovial fluid (lubricates the joint).
  • Increased mobility in the problem area
  • Improvement of metabolic processes in the tissues of the joint
  • Prevention of disease progression
  • Reduction of rehabilitation time after injuries and operations
  • Stimulating the body's own regenerative response

How to prepare for the procedure?

Expanding the diet by including more fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C.
Good rest and sleep.
Exclusion of stressful situations.

Two days before the procedure, it is necessary to limit or refuse to use:

  • excessively spicy, salty, fatty, fried foods and products.
  • tonic and alcoholic beverages, fermentation drinks (strong tea, coffee, beer, wine, strong alcohol, etc.).

In the morning on the day of the procedure, you need to consume more fluids than usual.

Immediately within 2 hours before the procedure, you should drink about 1.5 liters of ordinary or mineral water without gas. We also recommend that you have a good breakfast.

Smoking cessation 2 hours before the procedure.

The procedure cannot be performed within two weeks after the disease, especially of a viral-respiratory nature. If you have symptoms of a cold or other ill-health, you should contact your attending physician.

Taking painkillers or anticoagulants increases the rate of blood clotting, which can interfere with the course of the procedure. Consultation of the attending physician is necessary.

Make an appointment for a consultation with an orthopedic surgeon of the MCSC named after A.S. Loginov by phone +7 (495) 304-30-39 or via an electronic schedule on the website www.mknc.ru


32-93 PRP терапия сустава - 6900 rubles

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD