Surgery of the liver and pancreas
In the MCSC named after A.S. Loginov, all types of surgical interventions are performed on the liver, pancreas and bile ducts for various types of pathology of these organs.
WHAT DISEASES DO WE TREAT:all variants of malignant liver tumors (primary and metastatic), including locally advanced and complicated, with the possibility of their radical removal;
- benign tumors (large symptomatic hemangiomas, FNG, liver adenomas, etc.);
- parasitic focal formations of the liver (echinococcosis and alveococcosis)
- tumors and benign surgical diseases of the bile ducts (stones, cysts, post-traumatic strictures, etc.);
- malignant and benign tumors of the pancreas;
- chronic pancreatitis with surgical complications (calcification of the gland and virsungolithiasis, pancreatic and portal hypertension, cysts, etc.).
Surgery of the liver, bile ducts and pancreas is one of the most complex areas of medicine, where the safety and effectiveness of operations can be ensured by the qualification of doctors and medical personnel, the use of expert–class equipment and compliance with modern standards of medical care. All this is in our Center.
WHY CHOOSE US?In the Department of hepatopancreatobiliary surgery, more than 70% of operations are performed by laparoscopic access or using robot-assisted technology (Da Vinci Si).
This minimizes the risk of serious postoperative complications, shortens the patient's stay in the hospital and the recovery period. Surgical interventions are performed under the control of ultrasound, X-ray examination.
The department employs expert-level surgeons who are the leaders of this field not only in our country, but also in Europe. We have accumulated significant practical experience in the surgical treatment of the most complex oncological and surgical diseases of the hepatopancreatoduodenal zone.
In our work we use a multidisciplinary approach, which is based on the daily productive interaction of a wide range of specialists. This allows you to provide a full cycle of treatment and observation of patients – from the appearance of the first symptoms to full recovery.:
- highly qualified examination and preoperative preparation;
- necessary surgical intervention;
- observation and drug therapy in the postoperative period.

WHAT OPERATIONS DO WE PERFORM?Specialists of the department perform a full range of operations on the liver, bile ducts and pancreas in both traditional and minimally invasive ways.
- Resections of varying complexity.
- Reconstructive surgery.
- Drainage of the bile ducts.
In acute situations, patients with obstructive jaundice and cholangitis can be hospitalized in the department as soon as possible for surgical treatment.
Choosing MCSC named after A.S. Loginov, you can be sure that you are in the hands of experienced specialists, and the treatment will be safe and effective. You can find out more details and make an appointment with a surgeon by calling 8 (800) 234-24-22 or via an electronic schedule.