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Timely diagnosis is the key to successful cancer treatment


To the center of personalized medicine MCSC named after A. S. Loginov a 28-year-old patient applied to consult a geneticist and assess the individual risk of developing malignant neoplasms. The reason for the appeal was the occurrence of breast cancer in the patient's mother at the age of 45.

A molecular genetic study of frequent mutations in genes was performed BRCA1 and BRCA2:

  • DNA testing revealed an inherited mutation in the BRCA1 gene, which is associated with a high risk of breast (>60%) and ovarian (40-60%)cancer.;
  • an individual plan of screening examinations was drawn up by a geneticist, according to which the patient was regularly observed for two years at the MCSC women's health clinic.

At the next examination in January 2021, no pathological processes in the mammary glands were detected. However, a month later, the patient again appealed to the CJH with complaints about the presence of formations in the right mammary gland.

1-ultrasound of the right breast. 2-ultrasound of the right breast (in dynamics). 3 - mammography on the right (RMLO).

According to the results of the studies, the diagnosis was established – BRCA1-associated right breast cancer and a course of chemotherapy is prescribed.

Under ultrasound control, a tag was implanted into the tumor with a special needle – a small piece of wire that allowed surgeons to accurately determine the location of the tumor during chemotherapy.

After the 3rd course of chemotherapy, a control examination of the patient was performed, according to the results of which the formation was no longer detected.

Mammography on the right (RMLO). Condition after 3 courses of neoadjuvant chemotherapy.The arrow marks the intratumoral mark.

The success of cancer treatment directly depends on the stage of the detected neoplasm. This example clearly demonstrates the importance of timely molecular genetic testing to identify cancer risk. Today, modern diagnostic methods make it possible to detect breast tumors at the earliest stages and select the most effective cancer treatment regimens.

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD