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MCSC patient history. Bladder cancer


Patient T. at the age of 55 applied to the Complex Diagnostics Center MCSC named after A.S. Loginov for a preventive examination. The man felt well, and he had no complaints about his health.

In an interview with specialists, he said that his parents had been diagnosed with serious illnesses – his father had stomach cancer, his mother had heart disease.  Based on the information received and the age of the patient, the doctors proposed the optimal check-up program, taking into account lifestyle and individual risks, which included the study of the following body systems:

  • digestive;
  • cardiovascular;
  • genitourinary.

The selected program "Your Health" allows you to identify possible diseases and risks characteristic of the age of 50+ with the help of laboratory and functional studies, as well as expert-level consultations. 

During the examination of the genitourinary system, large kidney cysts (up to 6 cm) were visualized on ultrasound. At the consultation, the man drew the attention of the urologist to the fact that he experiences discomfort during urination, and sometimes visits the toilet several times a night.

As a clarifying diagnosis, the patient was prescribed computed tomography of the kidneys and urinary system, which confirmed the benign nature of the previously detected cysts. They only required observation.

When assessing the condition of the bladder, the attention of doctors was attracted by a slight thickening along the back wall.  For his examination, a cystoscopy was performed – a study of the bladder cavity using a camera. Two tumors of 2 and 1 cm were located on the walls of the bladder. The patient is recommended to undergo surgical treatment.

After the patient has been trained, an operation was performed in the urology department – transurethral resection (TUR) of the bladder. Since the tumor was detected at an early stage, the disease did not require any other treatment other than surgical. The man was discharged under the supervision of a specialist at the place of residence.

The history of our patient demonstrates how important it is to undergo a medical examination in a timely manner in order to maintain health for many years.

For your convenience, a Comprehensive Diagnostics Center has been organized at the MCSC, on the basis of which you will be able to undergo a comprehensive Check-up program on an outpatient basis within 1-2 days, get recommendations for further follow–up, treatment and, if necessary, get a recommendation on the need for hospitalization in one of the specialized departments of our center.

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD