PCR test for COVID-19 in 1.5 hours

MCSC residents are prize-winners of the II All-Russian competitions of resuscitation brigades "Housing and Communal Services-practicum 2022"


On November 10, the II All-Russian competitions of resuscitation brigades "Housing and Communal Services-workshop 2022" took place on the basis of the Simulation Center of FNCC RR as part of the conference "Life support in critical conditions".

Six teams of residents in the specialty "Anesthesiology-resuscitation" took part in the competition.

Young doctors — future anesthesiologists-resuscitators were tested at three stations:

  • Pre-hospital care for trauma.
  • Extended resuscitation measures.
  • Emergency conditions in the operating room.

The team "Spas" from the MCSC named after A.S. Loginov took the honorable 3rd place. Our Center was represented by:

  • Savina Elizaveta Nikolaevna
  • Aleksina Oksana Vladimirovna
  • Izmailov Ilyas Nailevich
  • The blacksmith Denis Kirillovich

Congratulations on your victory and wish you new success in mastering one of the most difficult medical specialties — anesthesiology and resuscitation!

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD