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We invite students of medical universities to join the MCSC student scientific community


Dear students!

A student scientific community has been created in the MCSC named after A.S. Loginov, organized by doctors and clinical residents of the MCSC, as well as students of medical universities engaged in scientific activities.

Student scientific circles in MCSC are:research work: reports of students and invited lecturers, master classes on practical skills;

  • integration of students into the work of MCSC departments;
  • charity and educational events;
  • english discussion club;
  • and much more…

At the moment, student circles are working in the departments:Anesthesiology-resuscitation;

The student scientific community of MCSC named after A.S. Loginov is a great opportunity for students to realize their scientific potential and get acquainted with the work of one of the largest multidisciplinary medical centers in Moscow.

You can get more detailed information about the community and the events held by writing to us by e-mail sno@mknc.ru

Join us!



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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD