School of patients "Chronic constipation. Harm and benefits of laxatives"


Dear patients!

we invite everyone to attend a meeting with MCSC experts on the topic: "Chronic constipation. Harm and benefits of laxatives."

The prevalence of chronic constipation among the world's population is 15-25%. In the elderly, constipation is 5 times more common than in young people. 

For the successful treatment of constipation, a personalized approach is necessary: a thorough collection of the patient's anamnesis and complaints, lifestyle and nutrition correction.

gastroenterologists of the laboratory of functional diagnostics of intestinal diseases MCSC named after a.s. loginov will tell:▪️    

What is constipation?
▪️    What are the non-drug methods of correcting constipation?
▪️    How do laxatives work? Their benefits and harms.After the presentation, you will be able to ask our specialists all the questions you are interested in.


Date: April 26Time: 14:00-15:00
venue: MCSC named after a.s. loginov, entuziastov highway, 86, 10 building, 1st floor, conference hall
Participation is free.

We will be glad to see you!

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD