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Digital pathomorphological diagnosis of oncological diseases


Digital pathomorphology allows for reducing the time required for diagnosis, which is a key factor in treating oncological diseases. Specialists now study not glass slides with tissue samples but their digital images, which are then stored in an archive and accessible at any time.

"Today, we are digitizing all histological specimens, enabling diagnosis to be performed on a monitor screen without the need for a microscope. All histological specimens are scanned in high resolution, allowing images to be obtained at 400 times magnification with maximum quality," - said the head of the pathomorphological laboratory at MCSC n.a. Loginova, PhD Nikolay Karnaukhov.

Every year in Moscow, approximately 1.5 million tissue samples are analyzed. This is about 5000 slides per day. When the digital archive is formed, it will serve as a basis for applying artificial intelligence technologies and developing services that will assist pathomorphologists in analysis and decision-making.

Read more in the article on the Arguments and Facts portal by following the link.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD