Desmoid fibroids. MCSC patient history
NewsThe MCSC was contacted by patient N., 50 years old.
She was worried about:
- loose stools up to 6-7 times a day, sometimes with an admixture of blood and mucus,
- unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen.
She said that in August 2022 she underwent antibacterial therapy due to exacerbation of bronchitis, and then she had loose stools up to 5 times a day and bloating.
After the examination, doctors ruled out intestinal infections. But since these symptoms appeared after treatment, experts suggested that it could be pseudomembranous colitis.
- This is a disease of the colon, in which inflammation occurs and white-yellow plaques form. They are a pseudomembrane on the surface of the intestinal mucosa.
As a result, the patient was admitted to the MCSC Department of Intestinal Pathology to clarify the diagnosis and treatment.
She underwent a comprehensive examination:
- there are no changes in blood tests
- toxins A and B of Clostridium difficile were found in feces
- on ultrasound of the intestine, there are no inflammatory changes in the small and large intestine
- According to the results of colonoscopy, pathological changes in the colon and ileum were also not detected.
After the woman was prescribed therapy, which helped.
- However, the control ultrasound revealed the formation of the abdominal cavity, possibly in the small intestine.
To clarify the diagnosis and determine the treatment tactics, our specialists also performed endosonography. As a result, the most likely diagnosis was a tumor of the small intestine (leiomyosarcoma or gastrointestinal stromal tumor).
After all the studies, MCSC doctors conducted a multidisciplinary consultation with oncologists, surgeons and radiotherapists.
- A decision was made about the operation.
Surgeons of the Department of High-tech surgery and surgical endoscopy performed laparoscopic resection of the jejunum.
In the future, immunohistochemical examination made it possible to make an accurate diagnosis: desmoid fibromatosis – desmoid fibroids.
- Most often they occur in patients from 15 to 60 years, somewhat more in women.
Experts consider the main risk factors to be:
- familial adenomatous polyposis is a genetic disease (5-15%)
- pregnancy
- heredity (occurrence of desmoid in relatives)
Fibroids are characterized by aggressive growth, but do not metastasize.
- They usually manifest as a painless or very minimally painful formation with a slow growth rate.
- Sometimes nausea, vomiting, intestinal obstruction, a feeling of rapid satiety, etc. may occur.
The main method of treatment is surgical.
Today the patient feels well and has returned to her usual life.
- With a control MSCT one year after the operation, there are no signs of formations, any changes and relapse.
MCSC uses a multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of each patient, and in this case it was thanks to a properly constructed examination plan, a quick and accurate diagnosis that it was possible to identify a rare disease in the shortest possible time.
We are always ready to assist in the treatment of this disease!