May 25 - World Thyroid Day

According to WHO, thyroid disease is diagnosed in every 10 inhabitants of the planet. Among endocrine disorders, they rank second after diabetes mellitus.

Every year there is an increase in new cases of thyroid pathologies due to:  

  • iodine deficiency;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • stress;
  • genetic disorders.

The health of other organs and the general condition of a person depends on the work of the thyroid gland. Any failure in the energy flow of the body can lead to serious consequences: from simple distraction of consciousness to heart problems. That is why prevention and periodic examinations of the thyroid gland are necessary.

The endocrinologist, senior researcher of the Department of Endocrine and metabolic disorders, Ph.D. Morozova Irina Anatolyevna tells in more detail.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD