Treatment in MCSC. Review of the patient of the Department of Neurology.

Today we tell the story of our patient Vladimir Abanin.

In 2017, he began to notice unpleasant symptoms:

  • appeared weakness in the right hand: could not hold a mug, had difficulty writing, shaving
  • he barely walked, climbing the stairs

The clinic could not determine the cause of the disease. Then he was examined at the scientific center of neurology and sent for consultation in MCSC to confirm the diagnosis. 

Our experts departments of Neurology and the Center for neuromuscular pathology confirmed the diagnosis: multifocal motor neuropathy with conduction blocks.

▫️ It very rare autoimmune disease with lesions mainly nerves of the hands
▫ ️ It occurs in 3-10 people per 1,000,000

Now the patient is being treated in our center.

Read more in our video.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD