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Crohn's disease. Patient feedback

Today we are telling the story of our patient Dmitry.

He is 27 years old. In 2013, he began to be disturbed:

  • periodic aching pains in the abdomen
  • loose stools 3-4 times a day

The patient associated these symptoms with stress, but later the pain intensified, and he went to the clinic, where doctors referred him to hospitalization. 

In the hospital, the patient was examined, he was found to have ulcerative defects in the ileal, rectum and sigmoid colon - erosion.On the recommendation of doctors, the patient took drugs that gave only temporary relief.


when his condition worsened, he turned to MCSC in the department of inflammatory bowel diseases.

After a comprehensive examination, our doctors diagnosed Crohn's disease of the colon and small intestine.

  • The course of the disease was severe, so surgery was required.

After recovery, the patient was prescribed effective therapy with biological drugs, which allowed the disease to go into remission

Today Dmitry is regularly examined at our Center, feels well and leads an active life.

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD