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Igor Khatkov spoke at the XII Congress of Oncologists in Samara

The XII Congress of Oncologists was held in Samara, which became a vivid example of the productive interaction of specialists in the field of oncology. The key goal of the event was to consolidate the efforts of the medical community in the fight against oncopathology.

During the Congress, experts discussed the prospects for the development of a system of cancer registers and screenings, the use of information technology. Important events were sections for nurses and patients, as well as master classes from operating rooms live in the format of "live surgery".

Igor Khatkov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, chief freelance oncologist of the moscow Department of Health, Director of the MCSC named after A.S. Loginov, delivered reports on clinical research and treatment of pancreatic cancer.Watch an interview with Igor Khatkov about the current situation in the treatment of pancreatic cancer, the development of minimally invasive and robotic technologies in surgery, the organization of oncological care in the capital and the development of MCSC.

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD