How to identify breast cancer in time? Says the MCSC expert
Breast cancer (breast cancer) ranks first among all oncological diseases in women – both in the world and in Russia.
However, the disease responds well to treatment if it is diagnosed at an early stage.
- What symptoms may indicate breast cancer?
- How to self-diagnose breasts?
- What to do if a formation is detected in the mammary gland?
Igor Khatkov, Director of the MCSC named after A.S. Loginov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, MD, told about this and many other things in the program "About the most important thing" on the Russia 1 TV channel.
If you are worried about chest pain or you have found a seal – do not panic and do not be afraid! Immediately seek medical help from a specialist.
Make an appointment for a consultation at the MCSC Mammology Center:
- by phone +7 (495) 305 34 50 (MHI) / 8 (800) 234 24 22 ( PMU)
- on the website
Take care of yourself, and pass a preventive examination on time!