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MKSC specialists at the 11th Annual Congress of the European Society of Robotic Assisted Surgery in Gynecology.


Head of the Gynecology Department at the A.S. Loginov MSC, professor, Dr. Julia Ponomareva took part in the 11th Annual Congress of the European Society of Robotic Assisted Gynecology Surgery in Sofia (Bulgaria), 26-28 September 2019. 

The congress addressed the issues of robot-assisted surgery in gynecology and presented live laparoscopic surgery with traditional and robot-assisted access. The world's leading surgeons shared the results of their scientific research..

Robotic surgery in gynecology is one of the areas of medical and scientific activity of the Moscow Clinical Scientific Center. Specialists of our Center regularly perform robot-assisted surgeries in case of oncogynecological diseases, prolapse of internal genitals, widespread endometriosis, uterine myoma, uterine scar failure.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD