Patient K.

I got to the clinic after a serious operation - I had a split aorta. It took enough time to move away from the emotions a little (a month and a half) and it was necessary to realize what state I was in and what to do next. They put me in the department of diagnostics, rehabilitation and apitherapy. Since the head of the department, Olga Mikhailovna Mikheeva, organized the work with me, I could not even dream of it. After a week, I knew everything I needed to calm down and create a proper rehabilitation program (my wife, a doctor, is responsible for this). It should be noted and the attending physician Anna Olegovna. Consultations and supervision of the head of the Department of Cardiology, Vladimir V. Ovsyannikov, helped a lot. A brilliant specialist who managed to explain even to me, who did not understand much about medicine, what happened to me, and how to live with it further. In the department of ultrasound diagnostics, the head Natalia G. Samsonova and her colleagues examined me for more than an hour, argued about something I did not understand, and stubbornly searched for the only correct diagnosis. The attitude, like that of other doctors, was clearly not formal! It is also worth noting the head of the ENT department, Ilya Vladimirovich. He works part-time, but he does a great job. His examination and consultation were very important to me. Of course, all this wonderful team could not work without its leader-the director of the Center Igor Yevgenyevich Khatkov. I have heard that he is a surgeon from God, (I would not like to test this in practice, as well as his colleagues) but I can guarantee that he is a wonderful organizer and a wonderful person!
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD