Nikonova Julia Borisovna
Патологоанатомическое отделение
- In 2019, she graduated with honors from the Moscow State Medical and dental university named after A. I. Evdokimov of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Faculty: Medical Science, specialty: medical doctor
- Residency in the specialty "pathological anatomy" of the Moscow Clinical Research Center named after A. S. Loginov of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, 2019-2021
Professional development:
- 2022 - " rules of work of pathoanatomic departments with a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19)", GBU" NIIOZMM dzm", Moscow, 18 hours.
- 2022 - "fundamentals of pathological anatomy, rules for the formulation of the diagnosis and coding according to ICD-10 causes of death in COVID-19", GBU "NIIOZMM dzm", Moscow, 18 hours.
General medical experience: from 2021.
Work experience:
2017-2021 laboratory assistant of the Department of prosthetics technologies in dentistry, Moscow State Medical University named after A. S. Evdokimov, Moscow.
2021-present pathologist of GBUZ MCSC named after A. S. Loginov dzm, Moscow.
Certificates: pathologist
Public activities:
Member of the Council of the Society of young scientists of Moscow State Medical University named after A. I. Evdokimov.
Member of the Russian society of oncopathologists.