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Synkova Darya Alexandrovna  

Synkova Darya Alexandrovna  


Патологоанатомическое отделение



I. M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University 2010-2016 (diploma with honors)

Internship in the specialty pathological anatomy (department of pathological anatomy named after A. I. Strukov Pmsmu named after I. M. Sechenov) 2016-2017 Clinical base: Pathoanatomic Department of GBUZ gkb No. 40 dzm

EMC medical school seminar "morphological diagnostics of melanocytic skin lesions", 2017, Moscow

Seminar of Professor Guido Massi (Italy) "Pathomorphological diagnostics of melanocytic formations", 2017, St. Petersburg

Jagiellonian University, Academy of Immunohistochemistry: 4th Annual Course «Diagnostic

Immunohistochemistry for Pathologists», 2017, Krakow

Advanced training in the additional professional program "Immunomorphology in the pathoanatomic diagnosis of breast tumors", 2017, Moscow

Institut Curie: «The pathology of melanoma: an international course», 2018, Paris

Alab Laboratoria: «Dermatopathology: A practical approach», 2018, Warsaw

Biopticka laboratož, ICDP-UEMS Dermatopathology Training Center, April 7-May 3, 2019, Plsen

Alab Laboratoria: «Update in Breast pathology: A practical approach», 2019, Warsaw

Institut Curie: «The pathology of melanoma: an international course», 2020, Paris

General medical experience: since 2017

Work experience:

2017-2018 GBUZ gkb No. 40 dzm, pathologist

2018-present GBUZ MCSC named after A. S. Loginov dzm, pathologist

Certificates: pathologist

Skills and abilities: conducting histological and immunohistochemical studies of biopsy and surgical material, including urgent intraoperative histological studies. 

Main scientific and practical interests: oncopathology, Dermatopathology, head and neck tumors, breast tumors, soft tissue tumors.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD