Shurygina Elena Ivanovna

Shurygina Elena Ivanovna


Патологоанатомическое отделение



In 2014, she graduated with honors from the Orenburg State Medical Academy of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation with a degree in medical science.

Residency in the specialty "pathological anatomy" on the basis of the Orenburg State Medical University of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, 2014-2016.

Postgraduate study in the direction of training "fundamental medicine" on the basis of the Orenburg State Medical University of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, 2016-2019.

Professional development:

2016 - "Immunomorphology in the pathoanatomic diagnosis of breast tumors", Fsbei DPO "Russian Medical Academy of postgraduate education" of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, 72 hours.

2020 - "pathological anatomy", LLC "Center for specialized education "Prof-resource", Ryazan, 144 hours.

2020 - "immunohistochemical research in modern oncomorphology", federal state budgetary Institution "National Medical Research Center of oncology named after N. N. Petrov", St. Petersburg, 72 hours.

General medical experience: 6 years old.

Work experience:

- 2016-2021 Assistant of the Department of pathological anatomy, Orenburg State Medical University, Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Orenburg.

- 2016-2021 Pathologist GBUZ "Orenburg regional clinical oncological dispensary", Orenburg.

- July 2021 - at present. BP. pathologist GBUZ MCSC named after A. S. Loginov dzm, Moscow.

- March 2022 - at present-junior researcher of the state budgetary institution MCSC named after A. S. Loginov dzm, Moscow.

Certificates: a pathologist.

Scientific work:

More than 30 scientific papers in the domestic and foreign press (including in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, Scopus), 1 teaching manual.

She has repeatedly made presentations at national and international events, took part in master classes as a listener.

In 2018, the winner of the grant of the Government of the Orenburg region in the field of scientific and technical activities "regulatory aspects of a new biotechnological approach to stimulating reparative osteogenesis".

In 2021, she defended her PhD thesis on the topic "morphological features of reparative regeneration of bone tissue using metabolites of Bacillus subtilis 804 bacteria" with the title of candidate of Medical Sciences in the specialty "Cell Biology, cytology, histology".

Public activities:

Russian society of oncopathologists, International Association of morphologists, Russian society of pathologists (membership).

Skills and abilities: conducting histological and immunohistochemical studies of biopsy and surgical material, including urgent intraoperative histological studies. 

Main scientific and practical interests: tumors of the breast, endocrine organs, hematopathology.

GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD