Ivashkina Marina Georgievna

Ivashkina Marina Georgievna

Medical psychologist

Branch of MCSC named after A. S. Loginov on Pavlov, Центр персонализированной медицины

Psychologist, oncopsychologist, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor

Education:In 1995 she graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow Pedagogical State University named after V.I. Lenin

  • In 1995-1998 she studied in full-time postgraduate studies at the Institute of Man of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), Moscow.
  • In 1998 she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Psychological Sciences (19.00.11-personality psychology) on the topic "Psychological personality traits of cancer patients"
  • In 2011 she received the title of "Associate Professor".

Additional education and advanced training courses:Advanced training, Innovative technologies for the implementation of higher education programs in the field of training: Psychology.

  1. Clinical psychology (FGAOU IN RNIMU named after N.I.Pirogov), 2020
  2. Professional development. Information and communication technologies in the project educational and research activities of teachers and students (FGAOU VO RNIMU named after N.I.Pirogov), 2020
  3. Professional retraining. Teacher of vocational training, vocational education and additional vocational education – (FGAOU IN RNIMU named after N.I.Pirogov), 2020

Training in the areas of psychological counseling, psychocorrection and psychotherapy: Cognitive behavioral therapy (2010), Art therapy (2000) Neurolinguistic programming (1999), Ericksonian hypnosis (1999), Psychodrama (1993-1999), Gestalt therapy (1993-1998)

Work experience:Since May 2022, he has been working at the Center for Personalized Medicine (CPM) MCSC, consulting at the Center's Branch at 22 Akademika Pavlova Str.

  • From 2001 to the present, the main place of work is FGAOU VO RNIMU named after N.I.Pirogov (formerly RSMU).   During this period she was an associate professor, for 13 years (2008-2021) she headed the Department of General Psychology and Developmental Psychology (previously, the Department of General Psychology and Pedagogy, the Department of General Psychology). Currently, he is an associate professor at the Department of General Psychology and Developmental Psychology of the Institute of Clinical Psychology and Social Work and a professor at the Department of Organization of Vocational Education and Educational Technologies of FDPO.
  • From 1999 to 2001 he was a teacher at the Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology.
  • From 1997 to 2001 - medical psychologist at the Hematology Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (part-time).
  • From 1997 to 1998 - psychologist "Youth helpline" (part–time).

Activities:He is one of the leading oncopsychologists in the country (since 1994), a follower of the scientific school of N.I. Nepomnyashchaya.

For 17 years, together with V.I. Esaulov, he has been developing his direction in psychological counseling, psychocorrection and psychotherapy (integrative creative and structural therapy).

Scientific interests: personality and its psychological rehabilitation in conditions of severe somatic diseases, published more than 100 works, including monographs, teaching aids, publications in the journals of the Higher Attestation Commission and foreign publications.

Specializes in working with:people suffering from somatic and psychosomatic diseases; non-chemical addictions, experiencing difficulties in interpersonal relationships, being in crisis states.


Price list

#1-220 Психологическая консультация, первичная 3700 руб
#1-230 Психологическая консультация, повторная 2600 руб
Не является офертой
GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD