Emotional burnout


What is "burnout"?

The term "burnout" was first proposed and introduced in 1974 by psychiatrist Herbert Freudenberger, who defined it as a clinical and psychological syndromethat occurs under the influence of chronic stressassociated with the work performed, and includes progressive emotional exhaustion, loss of motivation or demoralization, as well as lack of professional achievements

In 1981, psychologists Kristina Maslach and Susan Jackson proposed the idea that burnout has 3 components

  • emotional exhaustion
  • depersonalization (depersonalization)
  • reduction (reduction) of personal achievements, competence

Emotional exhaustion manifests itself in the loss of psychological resources due to their emptiness, the feeling of a reduced emotional background.

Depersonalization (loss of identity, depersonalization, or cynicism) is characterized as a negative attitude to contacts in the workplace, the deformation of these contacts.

A decrease in professional achievements occurs against the background of a decrease in professional competence, often gives rise to a feeling of insufficient success at work and a decrease in one's own self-effectiveness , confidence in the performance of one's professional duties.

  • Most of all, people suffer from emotional burnout in helping professions and professions associated with constant communication with people.

If you experience one or more of these symptoms, we recommend that you contact a psychotherapist who will select an individual effective therapy.

Specialists of the Center for Personalized Medicine of the MCSC are always ready to help you!
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