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MCSC experts in the new issue of the Journal "effective pharmacotherapy"


According to the World Health Organization, more than 650 million adults worldwide were overweight in 2016. In Russia, this figure was 23.5 million people. Today, morbid obesity rates continue to rise.

In many cases, the only effective treatment is bariatric surgery. However, patients often have pathologies even before the surgical stage. Therefore, a team approach, a full examination and treatment of the detected violations are important here.

Experts of A. S. Loginov MCSC: L. D. Firsova, MD, N. A. Bodunova, PhD, V. V. Polyakova, R. G. Askerkhanov, PhD prepared the article "A bariatric patient at a gastroenterologist's appointment before and after surgery".

In the publication:

  • diseases of the digestive system pathogenetically associated with obesity are considered;
  • two of the most common bariatric surgeries are described.

Read the article in the magazine "Effective pharmacotherapy".

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD