Recurrence of Crohn's disease in a young patient


A 33-year-old patient consulted a coloproctologist at the A. S. Loginov MCSC. The main complaints were abdominal pain, the presence of fistula holes on the anterior abdominal wall and fever.

✅ Diagnosis Crohn's disease he was exposed three years ago. The disease began acutely, in the form of nausea, which developed into repeated vomiting, bloating and intense abdominal pain. In this connection, the patient was hospitalized in the hospital on duty, where he urgently underwent a right-sided Hemicolectomy for intestinal obstruction. 

The postoperative period proceeded without features, the patient was soon discharged for outpatient treatment. However, in the postoperative and long-term periods after surgery, no specific treatment was prescribed to the patient.


GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD