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Personalized medicine. Medical and genetic counseling


Today personalized medicine it is developing very actively. And one of its most effective areas is medical and genetic counseling.

Knowledge of the characteristics of your body allows:

  • determine the risks of diseases,
  • to prevent the development of pathologies,
  • install hidden media,
  • give birth to a healthy baby,
  • clarify the diagnosis and establish the prognosis of the disease,
  • individually select the dosage of drugs, etc.

At the reception geneticist collect information about you and your relatives (personal and family history) and assign suitable ones to you genetic tests.

With their help it is possible:

  • create a personal program of prevention, diagnosis and treatment,
  • improve the effectiveness of therapy,
  • reduce the negative reactions of the body associated with its individual characteristics.

Thus, specialists complex will appreciate development risks a particular disease, taking into account how clinical, and genetic factors, and will also make up personalized surveillance program.

For example, if an increased risk of developing a disease is identified, changes may be made to Standard Examination Program:

The examination should begin earlier.

  • When? Your family history can tell about this.

Examination should be carried out more often. 

  • How often? Depends on how big the genetic risks are.

Any additional methods should be added to the standard examination.

  • Which ones? Depending on the risk of which disease you have increased.

In Center for Personalized Medicine MCSC Our specialists perform genetic tests of any complexity using modern equipment.
Everything you need:

  • consult a geneticist,
  • submit biomaterial,
  • get the results and discuss them with a specialist.

We will compile for you a detailed individualized program.

Doctors strongly do not recommend self-prescribing imagine and interpret genetic tests. 

  • At a minimum this could be the cause worries and worries, and as a maximum-holding unnecessary diagnostic and therapeutic manipulation.

Remember that genetic testing is performed 1 time in a lifetime and does not lose its relevance since the genetic code does not change.

Be healthy!

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GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD