The correct pathomorphological diagnosis is the basis for choosing the optimal treatment method, and, in many ways, the key to the effectiveness of therapy.
In the case of oncological diseases, it is critically important to establish the correct diagnosis, since each case is individual and requires a personalized approach, and incorrectly selected treatment can be not only ineffective, but also harmful to the patient.
in the pathology department (pao) MCSC named after a.s. loginov, the "second opinion" service for reviewing ready-made histological preparations is available to patients.
A second opinion may be useful in the following cases:the initial diagnosis was ambiguous or raised doubts with the doctor;
the treatment did not give the expected results;
there are different opinions about treatment tactics;
it is necessary to carry out additional research methods (immunohistochemical study, molecular genetic tests);
There is a need to compare and contrast the...