Chemotherapy. Recommendations to patients


What to expect from chemotherapy? How is it easier to transfer the prescribed treatment? Improve your well-being? Cope with the side effects? These questions naturally arise in patients who have been prescribed drug antitumor therapy.

Therefore, we have prepared recommendations to help you during the course of chemotherapy:Proper nutrition and physical activity

  • Recommendations for complications of chemotherapy
  • Principles of visiting the clinic during antitumor treatment
  • Operation of the port system for chemotherapy

We hope that this information will help you to undergo treatment effectively and comfortably.

Dear patients!In the MCSC named after A.S. Loginov, drug treatment of patients with oncological diseases is carried out in:


  • Department of Chemotherapy;
  • day hospital on the oncological profile;
  • The Center of outpatient oncological care.

You can make an appointment with an oncologist and get the necessary information:by calling the call center +7 (495) 304-30-39


GBUZ Moscow Clinical Scientific Center named after Loginov MHD