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Leading MCSC surgeons held master classes in Yakutsk


On December 9 and 10, at the conference "The Role of surgery in Oncology", leading MCSC surgeons conducted master classes for colleagues from the Yakutsk Republican Oncological Dispensary.

  • MCSC Director, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, prof. Igor Khatkov, Head of Thoracoabdominal Surgery Department, prof. Arif Allahverdiyev and Head of the Department of Endoscopy, prof. Kirill Shishin performed complex operations in patients with oncological diseases.

All interventions were carried out in a minimally invasive way using high-tech modern equipment.

  • This allows patients to recover quickly and return to their usual life.

Also at the round table meeting, the Center's specialists spoke about the role of surgery in oncology, topical aspects of lung cancer diagnosis and treatment, and colorectal cancer screening.

Colleagues from Yakutia were glad to have the opportunity to communicate with our experts and gain valuable practical experience in minimally invasive surgery.



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