Hepatology (liver disease)
Все о лечении заболеваний печени в МКНЦ им А.С. Логинова
Autoimmune hepatitis. Frequently Asked Questions
In autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), the body's immune system attacks liver cells, which causes it to become inflamed. The disease can manifest itself at any age and in people of any race or gender, although it occurs 4 times more often in women than in men.Causes of autoimmune hepatitis.Experts have not established why autoimmune hepatitis develops. It is assumed that some people inherit a genetic predisposition, which increases the likelihood of its development under the influence of various environmental factors. These can be viruses, sometimes dietary supplements, as well as some medications that provoke the development of the disease.There are two main forms of autoimmune hepatitis: Type 1 AIG can affect people of any age and gender. AIH type 2 mainly affects girls and young women and is less common.There are also rare forms of autoimmune hepatitis (the so-called variant forms or autoimmune cross syndrome) that have features of both AH and other autoimmune liver diseases (primary...News
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Efanov Mikhail Germanovich
Head of scientific department
Отдел гепатопанкреатобилиарной хирургии